Adding new payouts via CSV upload

Lumanu’s CSV upload functionality can be used to easily bulk create payouts for all of your creative talent at once.

CSV Format Requirements

The Lumanu CSV upload requires the following column format/data in order to create a payout:

Lumanu ID Email Description Public notes Due date PO # Amount (dollars)

How to add bulk payouts via CSV upload:

  1. Under Needs approval, click Upload CSV.

    Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 3.42.28 PM

  2. Upload your formatted CSV file.

    Basic transactional modal template

The Lumanu ID column header must be included, but the cells can remain blank as long as there is an email alias provided. If both a Lumanu ID and an email alias are listed, the system will default to using the Lumanu ID.

If there’s an error found in your upload, you will see a ‘Failure’ status indicated next to the line item with the error. Correct the error and re-upload the CSV

If a large batch (>1000 payouts) is uploaded at once, the system may take a few minutes to complete the upload. Once the upload is complete, the user who uploaded the .csv will receive an email letting them know.

3.  Your new payouts will appear under the Needs approval tab.