How to grant Partnership Ad access and Allowlisting access to a Lumanu team

Account settings checklist

You can check your monetization status within the Instagram app by going to: Settings → Creator → Branded Content → Status

1. Create an account or sign in via your client’s branded sign-up page link. If you did not receive a link, get in touch with your client and request their ad access sign-up link.

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First, you'll be guided through the partnership ad access flow. Immediately following completion, you'll be prompted to grant allowlisting access.

2. After clicking accept, Lumanu will direct you through the steps to grant Partnership ad access. Input your full instagram handle and click Continue.  

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3. Lumanu will send a brand partner request to the instagram account entered on behalf of your client. You will be redirected to the instagram app to accept the brand partner invite from there.

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  • Within the notifications center of Instagram, you will see a ‘Monetization and shops’ section with a notification alert. Click on ‘Monetization & Shops’, and a brand partner request from your client should be available for you to accept.

In the instagram monetization center, you can manage all partnerships and revoke access at any time.


3. After approving the request within the Instagram app, return to Lumanu and click Continue to allowlisting

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4. The Lumanu app will redirect to Facebook, where you will be prompted to sign in to the Facebook account associated with your Facebook Page and Instagram profile.

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5. Click continue to be redirected back to the Lumanu app and complete account authorization. Authorization can take up to one minute - please leave the browser window open until complete. Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 11.40.01 AM

6. If your accounts were connected successfully for allowlisting access, you'll receive a pop-up confirmation.

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7. Your brand partner now has access to run partnership and allowlisted ads under your instagram professional account. 

To manage your partnerships, navigate under the Ad Access tab within the menu bar. From this screen, you can revoke access to both allowlisting and partnership ad access at any time. 

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