How to create a Project

What is a Lumanu Project?

A Lumanu Project is a folder that your team can use to categorize payouts based on campaign, client, or budget.

How to create a Project:

  1. Navigate under Projects, then Active Projects
  2. Click Create ProjectCreate project 1 (1)
  3. The Create Project window will populate for you to complete. Within this window:
    1. Name your Project
    2. Provide a Project description
    3. Provide a custom Project ID (optional)
      1. A Project ID serves as a way for your team to reconcile payments with IDs used in other accounting systems 
    4. Set your budget (optional)
    5. Provide PO numbers (optional)
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If a Project ID is not provided, Lumanu will auto-generate an ID for you. This ID cannot be changed once set.

4. Your Project will be created using the information provided, and a budget bar will be generated to track your budget and available funds.
    • Total Budget: The budget set during Project creation.
    • Allocated: The total sum of payouts created and awaiting payment within the given Project.
    • Spent: The amount of funds issued within the Project (pending or settled).
    • Available: Total remaining funds available to spend in your project budget after accounting for spend and allocated funds.
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5. Now that your Project is created, you can begin adding payouts and assigning funds to your Project.