How to grant Allowlisting access to a Lumanu team

Account settings checklist


Allowlisting ad access set up steps

  1. Create an account or sign in via your client’s branded sign-up page link. If you did not receive a link, get in touch with your client and request their ad access sign-up link.

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  2. Under the Advertising Access tab, select the team who invited you to grant access via Lumanu. 
    Screenshot 2023-06-01 at 1.17.44 PM
  3. Click Connect Accounts, then Add Instagram Account
    Screenshot 2023-06-01 at 1.17.55 PM
  4. Enter your instagram handle and click Search.

    Once your instagram is found, click the Link Account button to auto-connect the Facebook Page linked to your instagram account.

    Screenshot 2023-06-01 at 1.18.26 PM

  5. You will be redirected to Facebook where you'll be prompted to grant advertising permissions to Lumanu and your brand partner. 

    For a full breakdown of the advertising permissions needed to grant access, see this help article.

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  6. After granting permissions, Facebook will redirect you back to the Lumanu app. 
    Accounts linked successfully will have a green Linked label listed next to them.

    If your accounts were not linked to the platform, you'll receive an error messaging instructing you to update the appropriate settings.

  7. Click Next at the bottom of the screen to confirm your collaboration. 
  8. Your brand partner now has access to run ads under your Facebook Business Page and instagram professional account.